
Kingdom Business Is About to Kick Start.

3 a.m.
7 Oct 2008

I'm just about finished to pack whatever is necessary for the special mission trip to Hong Kong and China.

Currently I'm kinda phisically very tired, but spiritually very energetic and excited.

Just now after the Million Leader Mandate training, Rick and me went to Rev Titus's home for some critical special meeting before Rev Titus and me leave Malaysia by tomorrow.

There is something we need to deal and discuss, plan ahead, to strategize and to delegate the task to each one of the core partner, in order to kick start our first business.

WE had been praying that God give us to do something which we can survive of for the daily livehood, and in the meantime we have flexible time to do more other matter.

By God's grace and love, He had lead us to start a travel and touring business.

He provide us the market, which is an unbelievable huge ready market.
Glory to the Lord.

Now the first 2 things is:
1. We need to set up a company with
travel licence and ticketing licence.
2. We need to secure the sales of the
coming first project.

Time is very critical for us, where we need to do a lot of things within these 6 months.
But we know that God is oversee us. This is from Him, surely He will do His part for us. The main thing is not what we can do.

The main thing is how to keep the main thing the MAIN THING.

The MAIN THING is we need to rely and focus on Him, and figure out how to be the faithful steward to God. We want to be the best manager to His business.

Where, Father is our chairman.
Jesus is our CEO.
Holy Spirit is our legal counsel.

We need to be focus rather than too excited. .
We need to be patient rather than rushing.
We need to be do FROM God rather than do FOR God.
We need to be prophetically and programatically.
We must be "prophegramatic".

Because all these was God's assets.
We will be His faithful steward.

Truly, this is GOD's BUSINESS.
And God's business is BIG BUSINESS.
That's why We are doing BIG BUSINESS.

THANKS for Annie's consultancy on setting up travel company. THANKS for Dennis for ready to bridge us with a travel agency. THANKS for Peter from Uxxx to give us a chance to work together with.
Of course THANK YOU Father.
Muak muaks.

Love & Blessing,
Stephen Ho from iPhone

